General Information
AQG members have a number of opportunities throughout the year to show off their skills.
Auckland Festival of Quilts
Our premier event is Auckland Festival of Quilts, the annual quilt show of the AQG. This is our opportunity to share our work with the public at large.
The exhibition comprises a display of members’ work divided into various categories, demonstrations of products and techniques, a merchants’ mall selling the latest in fabrics, quilt related products and Christmas decorations, and a special exhibition related to the theme for the year. All members are encouraged to enter.
Click here for our Festival of Quilts gallery
Dorothy Collard Challenge
The late Dorothy Collard, a former member of AQG, left a bequest from her estate to the Guild to sponsor an annual challenge for five years, with the possibility of extending this.
Dorothy’s estate provided a mounted greenstone trophy with space for engraved plates for each winner’s name to be added, and a sum of $500 per annum to cover a first prize of $200 and three merit awards of $100 each. The first prize winner holds the Dorothy Collard Memorial Trophy for one year.
Click here for more on the Dorothy Collard Challenge
Click here for our Dorothy Collard Gallery
Guild Meetings
At our Guild meetings, members are invited to share their current work and projects with Show and Tell.